
Cate + Garren ~ Fall Wedding Reception at Hidden Hollow Resort ~ 11.1.14 ~ Knoxville Chattanooga Wedding Photographer


It’s not often that I get a request to photograph a wedding that has already taken place.  What?

Passing on a big bash, Cate & Garren surprised their friends and families by getting married at their “rehearsal dinner” at Garren’s grandparent’s home a couple of weeks before and then throwing a large reception on November 1st at the beautiful Hidden Hollow Resort in Chickamauga, GA.

While they had grown up quite close to each other and had mutual friends, they didn’t meet until 2013 and Garren was living out of state. Imagine having to wait months and months for that first date!

“4 ½ months later Garren came home for his brother’s wedding. He was home for over a week. We finally got our first date! It felt like we’d been dating for months since we had talked every day. .. We both pretty much knew that we had met “the one” during that first week.” ~ Cate

Garren made it official the following summer.

“That following 4th of July, Garren proposed on the golf course while we watched the fireworks. It was very much a ‘Garren’ proposal – very to the point. He was holding my hand and slipped the ring on while asking me to marry him. No fancy speech, just Garren. I loved it!” ~ Cate


fall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, navy bridesmaid dress, yellow flowers, cowboy boots, jeans, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, navy bridesmaid dress, yellow flowers, cowboy boots, jeans, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, navy bridesmaid dress, yellow flowers, cowboy boots, jeans, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, navy bridesmaid dress, yellow flowers, cowboy boots, jeans, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, yellow daisy bouquet, cowboy boots, jeans, lake pier, dock, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, yellow daisy bouquet, cowboy boots, jeans, lake pier, dock, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, yellow daisy bouquet, cowboy boots, jeans, navy bridesmaid dress, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, yellow daisy bouquet, cowboy boots, jeans, navy bridesmaid dress, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, yellow daisy bouquet, cowboy boots, jeans, navy bridesmaid dress, Bledsoe Photography, first dancefall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, yellow daisy bouquet, navy and yellow, cupcakes Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, yellow daisy hydrangea bouquet, sunflare, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, yellow daisy bouquet, wedding rings on walnuts, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, Bledsoe Photographyfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, Bledsoe Photography, bubble exit, bubble getawayfall wedding reception at Hidden Hollow Resort, Chickamauga, GA, Bledsoe Photography, bubble exit, bubble getawayVenue:  Hidden Hollow Resort

Flowers:  Family friend

Cake:  Sister-in-law

Wedding Dress:  Macy’s

Tux/Jacket:  Cooley’s Fine Clothing

Servers:  Victoria Love Events & Staffing

Catering:  Champy’s Chicken and Publix


Favorite and least favorite part of planning?

“Well I didn’t care for any of the planning really. There were too many decisions to make about little things that I just didn’t have an opinion on and it stressed me out! So that’s why we decided to get married in secret at the “Rehearsal Dinner”. It at least cut out half of the planning.”

Most memorable moment of wedding?

“The expressions on our families faces when they figured out we were getting married at the Rehearsal Dinner.”

What you would change, if anything?

“I would get a little more prepared for the reception (i.e. run a few errands earlier, etc). I also wouldn’t order as much food/drink. You really don’t need as much as you think for an afternoon wedding.”

Where was your budget best spent?

“Pictures! Location was a close second.”

Any advice for future brides?

“Do what you want. If you want a small private wedding, have a small private wedding. If you want a big blowout, do that. Or have a small family wedding and big reception! Just don’t forget the real meaning of the day – marriage is more important than the wedding. HAVE FUN!”

**  Thanks, Cate!  **

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