
Gift Registry Now Available ~ Let your guests pay for your wedding photography! Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga Wedding Photographer


Are you ready for an understatement?  Weddings are expensive!

Along with dishes, linens, and silverware, guests and family can now ‘gift’ your wedding photography with our new gift registry.  All it takes is a PayPal account and a few clicks of a mouse!

Be sure to add Bledsoe Photography to your list of gift registries on your wedding website and shower invitations.  We will send you a card similar to the one below to let you know just who loves ya baby!

Ready to give the gift that will last forever?

 Click HERE and send your gift to bledsoephoto@gmail.com.

**Please indicate “Gift Registry” in the ‘Subject:’ field and enter the bride & groom’s name in the ‘Message:’ field.**

Bledsoe Photography wedding gift registry.

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