
Robin & Berry’s wedding ~ 12.5.09 ~ Murfreesboro, TN


Robin and I met as co-workers at Arzelle’s years ago and she remains one of my closest girlfriends. So when Berry proposed, as we would say, IT WAS ON! The wedding and reception was held at Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center in Murfreesboro, TN. The staff and coordinators there were superb. I was soooo envying Robin’s accessories–she had fabulous jewelry and oh! those! shoes! Her sister, Trish gifted her with a handmade veil from a recent trip to Spain. Such a beautiful bride!

Robin’s gown was designed by Mikaella Bridal from Arzelle’s Brides & Formals

Her silk shoes (which I L.O.V.E.!) were by Yvette by Grace Footwear from Arzelle’s Brides & Formals

Most of Robin’s fabulous jewelry came from White House/Black Market

It was a “ROLL TIDE!” day! And the wedding began right during game time.

I love this shot of Joellen, Robin and Trish having a laugh.

The reception was festively decorated in red, plum, green and ivory.

Berry appropriately welcomed his new family by serenading them with “Play that Funky Music, White Boy.” Classic!

And the grandparents dancing… *sigh!*

“Hey Robin! You remember that time that you and Berry got married? Those were some GOOD TIMES!” =0)

Love you both!!!

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